7:45 & 10:15 AM Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Social distancing, and sanitation protocols will be followed

Campfire Bible Study

There will be a Campfire Bible Study on Sunday, August 23rd at 6:00 P.M. at Wayne & Lori Breitenfeldts house, 160400 County Rd Z, Wausau. Please bring your lawn chairs and a snack to share. All are welcome

7:00 PM Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:00 PM Worship Service. Social distancing and sanitation protocols will be followed.

7:45 & 10:15 AM Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Social distancing, and sanitation protocols will be followed

7:00 PM Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:00 PM Worship Service. Social distancing and sanitation protocols will be followed.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Attention knitters and crocheters, please join us at 9:00 A.M. in the Narthex. We will be creating Prayer Shawls for those in need of comfort and support during troubling times. All are welcome!

7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Social distancing, and sanitation protocols will be followed

Ladies Aid

Ladies Aid will meet at 1:00 PM. New members are always welcome.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class is offered in-person at 7:00 PM every Wednesday. Confirmation Class is also offered virtually. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Stransky.