St. John Senior Club

St. John Senior Club, will be meeting on Tuesday, July 27th  at noon.  Brats and hot dogs will be provided,  if you are able, please bring a dish to pass.    We will be playing bingo, please bring a $1.00 wrapped gift.   Everyone is welcome!  

Bethesda Work Day

On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, a group of volunteers from St. John help out at the Wausau Bethesda Store from 10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. If you have some extra time and will be willing to volunteer, please contact Shirley Zahrt for more information. Bethesda’s mission is to enhance the lives …

7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Bible Study is at 9:00, all are welcome.

Ladies Aid

Ladies Aid will meet at 1:00 PM. New members are always welcome.

7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Bible Study is at 9:00, all are welcome.

Campfire Bible Study

Please join us for Campfire Bible Study. Locations will change. Contact the office for current locations. Please bring a lawn chair and snacks to share.