Campfire Bible Study

Please join us for Campfire Bible Study. Locations will change. Contact the office for current locations. Please bring a lawn chair and snacks to share.

St. John Senior Club

St. John Senior Club, will be meeting on Tuesday, July 27th  at noon.  Brats and hot dogs will be provided,  if you are able, please bring a dish to pass.    We will be playing bingo, please bring a $1.00 wrapped gift.   Everyone is welcome!  

Bethesda Work Day

On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, a group of volunteers from St. John help out at the Wausau Bethesda Store from 10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. If you have some extra time and will be willing to volunteer, please contact Shirley Zahrt for more information. Bethesda’s mission is to enhance the lives …

7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Bible Study is at 9:00, all are welcome.

Ladies Aid

Ladies Aid will meet at 1:00 PM. New members are always welcome.

7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Bible Study is at 9:00, all are welcome.

Campfire Bible Study

Please join us for Campfire Bible Study. Locations will change. Contact the office for current locations. Please bring a lawn chair and snacks to share.