Campfire Bible Study

Please join us for Campfire Bible Study. Locations will change. Contact the office for current locations. Please bring a lawn chair and snacks to share.

7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Bible Study is at 9:00, all are welcome.

Ladies Aid

Ladies Aid will meet at 1:00 PM. New members are always welcome.

7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service

Please join us for the 7:45 or 10:15 Worship Service. Bible Study is at 9:00, all are welcome.

Campfire Bible Study

Please join us for Campfire Bible Study. Locations will change. Contact the office for current locations. Please bring a lawn chair and snacks to share.

Care Ministry Meeting

Some examples of what Care Ministry is involved with are: Coordinating Blood Drives, Coordinating fundraisers for people in need, Sending cards to shut-ins, seniors and people who are ill, Providing needed meals, Supporting the Greater Christian Services with monetary donations, Food drives for the Salvation Army, Collecting caps and mittens for needy children . New …