St. John Students sing at the 7:45 Worship Service
St. John Students sing at the 7:45 Worship Service
St. John Students sing at the 7:45 Worship Service
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. We rejoice with the crowds as Jesus enters into the city of Jerusalem, waving palms and shouting “Hosanna!” Palm Sunday's liturgy is full of contrasts. We recall Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, with its pomp and pageantry. Then we plunge into the Passion, which ends …
Please join us for our monthly P.T.L. Meeting at 6:30. All parents, grandparents or anyone who is interested in being involved in St. John School activities are welcome to join us.
Church Council meeting at 7:00 P.M.
The 2019-20 proposed budget will be available to be picked up on the table in the Narthex April 7th. Budget review will be April 16th, 7:00 P.M. in the sanctuary.
Maundy Thursday takes its name from the Latin word for “commandment,” as we remember when Jesus told his disciples, “A new commandment I give to you: Love one another.” We mark the official end of Lent by receiving individual absolution, or forgiveness—the oil marking the cross on our forehead just as the ashes did on …
Good Friday commemorates the day when our Lord gave his life to save us from our sins. It is a very humbling service, as we contemplate the cost that Jesus paid for our redemption. Services are at 1:00 and 7:00 P.M.
Easter Sunday is the day of the resurrection – a joyous celebration of God’s victory over sin and death. On April 21st at our 6:30 am service we will hear the story of our salvation, and greet the rising sun as we celebrate the resurrection. At 9:30 am we will have a service of resurrection …
Senior Club meets every 4th Monday. We meet at 12:30 pm with a potluck lunch. Sometimes we have speakers and other times we just have a social time. We have about 30 members. Anyone who considers themselves a senior is welcome to come and join us in good Christian social fellowship.
During this Voter's Meeting we will be voting on the proposed 2019-20 Budget and also we will be holding elections for Church Officer position. All congregational members are encouraged to attend