St. John’s Free Wild Game Feed and Seminar will be on Saturday, February 4th, doors open at 3:00 P.M. There will be an Official Scorer present to score your trophy, vintage hunting items displayed, Youth BB Gun Range and seminars on meat cutting, predator control and decoying Coyotes with dogs. 5:00-6:00 will be the free Wild Game Feed, we will have a cooking and cured meat contest so bring in your favorite wild game dish or cured meat. Prizes will be awarded. At 6:00 P.M. we will have James Arneson as our keynote speaker. As a youth James enjoyed hunting, calling coyotes, trapping and fishing. At the age of 15, James started using drugs and his life went on a downward spiral. At the age of 38, James asked God to help him change the life he was living and escape his addiction. God answered his prayers and he is back doing the hobbies he enjoyed prior to his drug addiction. There will be a free prize drawing following the speaker. Invite your friends and neighbors, all are welcome!