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P.T.L. Meeting

April 7, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

All parents of St. John Lutheran School students are automatically members of the P.T.L. (Parent Teacher League) and are encouraged to be actively involved in it by attending meetings and participating in its activities. Meeting date We would like everyone to be a part of P.T.L whether you have children in our school or not. We need everyone to assist us in our mission of helping the children of St. John School grow in their education and love for God. The P.T.L organizes many events and fundraisers throughout the year such as: Book fairs, Brat fry, Popcorn days, Grandparent/Special Friends Day, teacher Appreciation Day, Advent Dinner, Last Day of School Picnics. The profits from these events and fundraisers help subsidize needs within the school. Meetings will take place in the School Library


April 7, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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